We are searching for qualified and experienced professionals who can ignite curiosity, drive motivation, and empower students to take ownership of their learning both inside and outside the classroom.
Our school follows a 5-phase recruitment and hiring process.
Phase 1 - Initial Application Email with Supporting Documents
Phase 2 - Educational Approach Review (Lesson Materials and Teaching Philosophy Statement)
Phase 3 - Interviews and Reference Check
Phase 4 - Criminal Background Check and Document Verification
Phase 5 - Formal Offer of Employment
The following documents are required to apply:
Step 1
Please gather and combine the application documents into a single PDF document and title it as "Full Name of Applicant - Job Position" (e.g. Atticus Finch - History Teacher).
Step 2
Send your PDF application document via email to careers@splitinternational.org using the subject "Job Position 2023/2024 - Full Name of Applicant" (e.g. History Teacher 2023/2024 - Atticus Finch).
Step 3
A member of our recruitment team will connect with you directly regarding the next steps in the interview and hiring process. Please note that application documents not sent in PDF format will not be accepted.
We are seeking a qualified elementary school classroom teacher for our school's PYP program (1st through 4th grade). The position available is a full-time, indefinite-term contract, although the specific grades and subjects taught may vary from year to year and may include a combination of both classroom teaching and elective teaching roles. As such, a successful candidate should be comfortable teaching a variety of subjects to elementary school students of different ages.
As our school is an international school following the International Baccalaureate Program, all of our classes are taught in English. Therefore, excellent written and verbal English communication skills are required (minimum C1, preferably C2 level).
Knowledge of the Croatian language is not a requirement for this position, as our Croatian language courses are taught by specialized teachers at our school.
Tražimo kvalificiranog učitelja/učiteljicu razredne nastave za naš PYP program (1. do 4. razred). Radno mjesto je na puno radno vrijeme s ugovorom na neodređeno, no razredi i predmeti koji se predaju mogu se mijenjati iz godine u godinu te mogu uključivati kombinaciju razredne i izbornih nastava. Stoga kandidat treba biti sposoban poučavati različite predmete učenicima osnovnoškolske dobi.
Budući da je naša škola međunarodna i provodi International Baccalaureate program, sva se nastava odvija na engleskom jeziku. Izvrsne vještine pisanog i usmenog izražavanja na engleskom jeziku su stoga nužne (minimalno C1, poželjno C2 razina).
Poznavanje hrvatskog jezika nije uvjet za ovo radno mjesto, budući da se nastava hrvatskog jezika u našoj školi provodi od strane specijaliziranih učitelja.
We are seeking a German Language and Literature teacher for a full-time, fixed-term position at our international primary and secondary school. The position involves teaching German Language and Literature courses at the high school level, as well as additional teaching responsibilities or substitute teaching in other areas. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed a double major program, but this is not a requirement. Additionally, the position includes a few hours per week of teaching German language to primary school students.
This is a full-time salaried position, but teaching responsibilities, specific courses taught, and workload may vary depending on student enrollment.
As our school follows the international IB program, a high level of English proficiency is required. Therefore, candidates must have a C1 level in both German and English.
Tražimo nastavnika/nastavnicu njemačkog jezika i književnosti za puno radno vrijeme na određeno u međunarodnoj osnovnoj i srednjoj školi. Radno mjesto obuhvaća poučavanje predmeta njemačkog jezika i književnosti u srednjoj školi, kao i dodatne nastavne obveze ili zamjensko poučavanje u drugim područjima, stoga se prednost daje kandidatima koji su završili dvopremetni studij, ali to nije uvjet. Također, radno mjesto uključuje nekoliko sati tjedno rada s učenicima osnovne škole u području njemačkog jezika. Radno mjesto je na puno radno vrijeme s fiksnom plaćom, no nastavne obveze, konkretni predmeti i opterećenje mogu varirati ovisno o broju upisanih učenika.
Budući da naša škola provodi međunarodni IB program, potrebno je visoko poznavanje engleskog jezika, stoga kandidat treba imati C1 razinu znanja i njemačkog i engleskog jezika.
Split International School
Međunarodna osnovna škola Aspalathos s pravom javnosti
Međunarodna srednja škola Aspalathos s pravom javnosti
Kninska Ulica 9
21204 Dugopolje
Tel. +385 91 618 2877
Main Office Email: office@splitinternational.org
Admissions Email: admissions@splitinternational.org
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